So Fresh, So Dry.


I found out about this stuff while watching a hilarious documentary Mansome, by Moran Spurlock, the same guy who did Supersize Me.

Their cheesy marketing worked wonders on me. The following day I went online and ordered a 3-pack.

Now, the name “Fresh Balls” implies what this is for in a somewhat lewd and straight-forward way, and that is all I will say, this is an all ages joint here by the way…

Before I hit the trail, I apply a bit of this to the undercarriage, and I don’t end up with any issues with chafing in said area. A common occurrence for people of all shapes, sizes, and skill levels, across many sports and recreational activities.

I even keep about 1oz of it with me on backpacking trips, along with the rest of the items that come with me. You’ll see it on my “undercarriage” section of my Excel-based backpacking checklist.

So, if you have this problem, do yourself a favor and order a tube of Fresh Balls. I am fairly certain you’ll be glad you did.

6 thoughts on “So Fresh, So Dry.

  1. Beware, you may get more than you bargained for. A Sweet smelling undercarriage and man-boobs! 🙂

    The product contains Tea Tree Oil, associated, but not confirmed to cause, breast growth in young males (US National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences – ).

    There’s a response to the report from the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy here:,%20R.%20Gynecomastia2_2007.pdf

    Personally I use standard alcohol based hand sanitizer, which works fine for me, and has a dual purpose – being useful for general sanitation requirements too. Doesn’t explain my man-boobs though.

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